It’s 12:45a and it just dawned on me that today is Friday, d’uh. Why did it take me so long to figure it out? Oh maybe it’s because I’ve have the week from HELL what with the airport delays and getting stuck in Charlotte for two days, but that’s a post for another day. I’m still not ready to write it, haha, TOO tired. And then there’s the dialect vlog I’ve got to do,…I’m so behind!! But hopefully, this weekend I will take time to myself and just SLEEP and catch up on my posts.

But it’s Friday, and I always like to take the opportunity to end your week on a humorous note, so here’s a little something I shared this with Ags while I was in Tennessee.  We were just remarking on how NICE everyone is in TN and then, wham! The next person we see breaks the nice streak, with her rude ass customer service skills. She was the epitome of what my sister and I like to call, a Bon Qui Qui:

When’s the last time you interacted with a Bon Qui Qui?

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