Girls’ Weekend

This weekend I had a blast hanging with some of my favorite moms, Jess & Lucy!

I had them over for Mexican! I made bbq chicken enchiladas (second time I’ve had them in two weeks, SO GOOD) and mixed berry margaritas.

For dessert, I whipped up a dulce de leche (caramel) and bacon ice cream pie. The bacon is only in the graham cracker pie crust but if that sounds too weird for you, at least make the ice cream especially if you like caramel or condensed milk. I’m telling you, the ice cream base tastes JUST LIKE condensed milk. It may have something to do with the fact that since I didn’t have the whole milk the recipe called for, I subbed in half-n-half. Healthy eating be damned, but I regret nothing!

After an indulgent night of good eats and delightful drinks, Jess and I woke up on Sunday at 6:30 to get ready for the DC Color Run!

Like Jess’s shirt? It’s a one of a kind, Maria original. It’ll be worth millions one day 😉

We had so much fun! It was a stress-free, untimed 5k that covered us in colored cornstarch at every kilometer. Even better than that, there was a technicolored dance party that greeted us at the finish! There was a dj handing out color packets to douse ourselves with, professional photo ops, swag tents, etc. It was really well organized and just a great time overall. Everyone in attendance was in such good spirits which is why I guess the race’s tagline is “the happiest 5k on the planet”. If you ever get a chance to participate in a Color Run, grab some friends and jump on that!

How was your weekend?

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